How to Remove Vertical Lines from DMG GameBoy Screen

How to Remove Vertical Lines from DMG GameBoy Screen

How to Remove Vertical Lines from DMG GameBoy Screen

With the original, DMG GameBoy launching all the way back in 1989, there has been plenty of time for parts to start giving out. More commonly, and also quite frustratingly, some vertical lines may start appearing on the screen, making the already hard-to-see screen just that much more frustrating. But don't worry, because I am going to share with you exactly how to remove the pesky vertical lines so that your DMG original Game Boy screen is as good as new. 

If you want to skip the words altogether, you can reference this video for how to disassemble your DMG GameBoy and you can reference this video to see how to fix the vertical lines. Just remember that anything you do in this guide is at your own risk and myself and Vetro Gaming can't be liable for any damages that may occur.

Tools You Need

  • Soldering iron
  • ESD Tweezers
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Tri-Wing screwdriver

Step One: Disassemble the DMG GameBoy

If a video demonstration is more helpful to you, then reference this DMG GameBoy disassembly video. We first need to access the front CPU, so in order to do so, you need to remove the six tri-wing screws on the back of the shell. Two are inside the battery compartment. Once you remove the back part of the shell, you will notice that there is a board screwed into the back of the shell and front of the shell connected by a ribbon cable. You want to gently pull the ribbon cable out of its connection point on the back part of the shell to fully separate the front CPU from the motherboard. There will be 10 Phillips head screws mounting the front CPU to the front of the shell. Remove those to ultimately release the front CPU from the shell so that we can access the screen. 

Step Two: Preparing for the Repair

Now that the GameBoy is disassembled to where you can access the screen, you then want to take your ESD tweezers to remove the rubber bumper directly below the screen since that is the location that we will be using the soldering iron. Don't throw it away, however, because we can put it back once everything is repaired. To do this repair job, we are going to need the GameBoy to be powered on so we can see the screen actively repair along the process. In doing so, go ahead and reconnect the loose front CPU to the motherboard. The ribbon cable connects the exact same way it came out. Don't force it too much, but you will also want to make sure the contact pins are fully inserted into the connector. Lastly, go ahead and pop in 4 AA batteries into the GameBoy and power it on. 

Step Three: Repairing the Vertical Lines

Now that everything is set up for the repair, it's time to get to it! If it would be easier to see a video guide of this step, here is a video showing how to remove the GameBoy vertical lines. Heat up your soldering iron and ensure you are using proper safety measures. Next, apply the heated soldering iron tip to area just below the screen to reflow the loose connections beneath the screen. You should see the lines flicker and reattach during this process. Don't hold the iron in one spot for much time at all. You want to keep the soldering iron constantly moving to avoid permanent damage to the console. Even when you remove the soldering iron from the front CPU, you may still see the vertical lines flicker and amend themselves. Continue this process until all vertical lines are fixed. 

Step Four: Reassemble your Original DMG GameBoy

Great job! Now that your DMG GameBoy screen is back to normal, you'll want to reassemble it so you can try out the fixed screen! Just reapply the rubber bumper beneath the screen. If it doesn't want to stick, I like to use a strip of double-side tape. And then literally screw everything back together and reattach the front CPU to the main motherboard with the ribbon connector. If you have any issues with reassembly, just watch the disassembly video again, but in reverse. 

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